Take Back Your Holiday

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! SIGH, is it though? Here’s some quick tips on taking back your holiday and empowering yourself to do what’s best for you.

Arrive as your best self

Do all the things before arriving that help you feel your absolute best. Love doing yoga in the morning? Do it. Not eating until the afternoon? Nourish your body and don't skip breakfast/lunch. Wear clothing that you feel comfortable and happy in.

Listen to your body

If you're hungry, eat. if you're not, don’t. Don't be pressured either way. Don't want to try Aunt Betty's green bean casserole? Don’t! Want seconds? Have them. Savour your food. Make bold and confident choices.

Stop shaming in its tracks

The first time you do this will be the hardest, however, it will hopefully be the only time you have to. If someone says something to you regarding your food choices or your body in any way, let them know that what they are saying makes you uncomfortable. If they continue, walk away.

Take a breather

Take a break outside. Talk to someone you know helps you feel your best. Bring items that help you feel centered should you need to take a break. Write yourself affirmations to bring along with you. If you are heading into a holiday visit with someone who has shamed you in the past, prepare what you will say and who you might get support from should it happen again.

Don't keep doing it

You have the right to a shame-free holiday. If having holiday meals with your family is toxic, stop going. Begin a friends-giving tradition. Spend the day doing things that bring you in touch with gratitude. Serve a meal at a local shelter. Spend the day pampering yourself.

And remember: Your plate, and especially your body, are no one's business but your own.