Brooke fox, LMHC, LCMHC

It takes courage to seek help. To admit to someone else out loud that maybe you don’t have it all together or that you feel like you’re failing. Why can’t you just shake this off like everyone else seems to?

Investing in therapy can be scary—maybe you’ve had less than ideal experiences with other therapists in the past, maybe you don’t know what to expect, or just don’t know what to say.

What if I told you that you don’t need to have everything figured out?

What if I told you all you need to bring to session is the willingness to try?

I’m not going to sugar coat it, sometimes the counseling process can be hard work. But you won’t be alone. Supporting those who show up, ready to work, and with an open mind are my kind of clients.

Hectic, busy schedule? Yep—I hear that. I have a long-standing history of working in high-stress, overly demanding environments and the last thing I felt like doing when I left work was more work. I know what it’s like to struggle to find healthy and effective ways to cope.

But I also know that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Continuing to care for others without first caring for yourself doesn’t always end the way it should.

Take time to make yourself a priority.

Let’s sit down and create a game plan to take you from where you currently are to where you want to go. Together, we will work to address your needs and you’ll walk away with real skills you can use every day so you don’t need to keep coming back.

Ready when you are.

I’ve worked in the mental health field for over ten years and am fully licensed in MA, NY, & VT. I am nationally certified as a clinical mental health counselor, and have specialized experience in crisis counseling, as well as ongoing mental health symptoms. Personally, I have experience supporting individuals with chronic medical conditions, as well as working with the military community.