Anthony Hamling, LICSW
You can’t keep waiting for things to get better. You have to live your life now, or you’ll miss it.
Most people want to avoid feeling any kind of pain. Pain of failure, rejection, physical pain, etc. Whatever it is, it’s uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s hard to name.
Maybe it’s hard for you to let others in. Maybe you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you do know where to start and you do know what’s causing you pain, but the cost of acknowledging it—coming to terms with it doesn’t seem worth it right now.
Overtime, that snowball of ignored hurt and pain tends to get bigger. It begins to play out in other areas of our life, like school, our relationship with our parents, and friendships until it becomes unmanageable.
Talking things out helps.
Together, we can learn ways to cope with unavoidable life stressors. Working through our struggles sucks—it’s frustrating and sometimes can feel worse before it begins to feel better. The only way to get through is by being honest, especially with yourself. Know that I’m here as your ally. I’m here to listen to all the good, bad, ugly, and in-between. I’m here to push you when you’re afraid to take a step and I’ll do it right by your side.
Let’s get through the negative parts now so you can really begin to live your life.
I’m board certified in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a licensed independent clinical social worker. I’ve worked with children, adolescents, teens, and adults for over 15 years.