Alex DiAddezio, Masters Intern
You find yourself stuck. You’re continuing patterns, continuing the same motions, and getting the same results. You’re putting yourself through cycles that aren’t working for you. It is time-consuming to deal with your problems on your own and to keep trying the same unsuccessful tactics over and over again to no avail.
Let’s break you out of this cycle.
Use your time more wisely by thinking, talking, and working through what you’re experiencing. Let’s be honest about what is and what isn’t working—patterns that serve you and those that hinder you. Taking a close look at your life is the first step toward leading an improved life.
Therapy can make your attempts at change more effective, efficient, and give you the needed space to reflect on putting yourself first. By doing so, you’ll find yourself growing in ways you can be proud of and in ways that make you feel better about who you are and what you have to offer.
Feel invisible? Unheard? Difficulty identifying and expressing your needs and wants?
As we work together, you’ll build confidence, develop a sense of calm and ease—believe you are worthy and deserving to have your desires and needs met. Learn to trust in yourself and the skills to create true, genuine, and healthy connections with others.
Prioritize yourself and begin to break patterns by trying something new and start to talk about what's honestly going on. Let's start the conversation now, so we can see where it will take us. We'll do the work together. You deserve to make time for yourself and to move toward the future you want.
Alex is in the final year of her Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She has a long-standing history of working in education and higher education systems with adolescents and adults for over 10 years.